Monday, February 01, 2016

Hanging with the Hanged Man

The Hanged Man XII

Finally it's safe to say we survived the Mercury Retrograde and now are on our way to greener, well maybe snowier pastures (it is February after all). I am feeling a lot better than I was feeling last month. I feel like I am ready to get back on my broomstick and continue on with my Tarot journeys. I must say even with the retrograde going on causing me all kinds of scandal, I also had the pleasure of meeting some really great people for readings. One lady was just a sweetheart. We talked for hours and I ended up almost leaving without getting my fee, leave it to me! Thankfully she was honest and reminded me to take my moo-lah. I also got to read for some lovely ladies who served me delicious goat cheese and cider. We had excellent conversation and a lot of laughs. That is just a small fraction of the delightful people I met last month. I say this often but I am truly lucky to be able to read Tarot and meet so many interesting and wonderful souls.  Meeting people for readings and hearing their stories really helps to remind me of why I do this. Tarot can be exhausting at times. You are constantly opening your energy and spirit up to others, but I will tell you that in the end it is always worth the late evenings and busy schedule. What you get out of reading Tarot is so much more than what you put in. Especially if you are passionate about this art. 
As I write this I can see the trees outside of my house bending with the wind. The flowering crab is doing it's best to stand strong against the February gusts. Clive Barker, the author of my favourite book of all time, "The Thief of Always" compared February to a "great grey beast". Ever since reading that description I have always seen this month as this beast that comes roaring in, beating us down with cold, unpredictable weather and then disappears like a fever dream. Recently it has been eerily warm in my neck of the South Eastern coast of Canada. Normally by this time we would be buried in feet of snow, I am actually not even exaggerating, but as it stands we have less than six inches of the white stuff. The weather is weird. Things are changing. My reptile brain is a little concerned. 
I find myself starting to get a little stir crazy as well. Even though it hasn't been a typical Winter, it still has been cold and wet enough to keep me away from the places I love like the beach. I am starting to feel stuck and am longing for warm sunny afternoons and humid nights. I miss the smell of bonfires and the sound of crashing ocean waves. The way the sand is almost too hot under your toes and the stark contrast of the freezing cold ocean water- gotta love the North Atlantic- am I right? You know you are Canadian when you brave the FREEZING temperatures like a pro because you want to swim in the ocean. I am feeling a little like our buddy the Hanged Man. Stuck on my tree, okay with the wait but stuck all the same with Winter waning on one side and Spring waxing on the other. Its just a slow waiting game but eventually the changing of the seasons will start and I will be back to my beloved ocean in no time.
I suppose I have bored you long enough with my talks of the weather that I really should get on with what this card is all about. When the Hanged Man shows up in a reading he can symbolize a couple of things. First I always see it as something that is moving slow. For example if someone were to ask me about love and they had this card, I would tell them that love is on it's way but its going to be a wait and to be patient. It doesn't mean that things wont happen but it does mean it is going to take a while. Another interpretation of this card is sacrifice. I was told years and years ago that the Hanged Man represents the Norse God Odin- fun fact: I have been researching my family history and found out my maternal ancestors were Norse! Odin hung on the World Tree for nine days to learn the hidden knowledge of the runes. He sacrificed an eye and was speared but through this sacrifices the knowledge that he obtained was well worth the trouble. His message to you if you get this card is that your sacrifices are soon to pay off. Keep doing what you are doing and you will see results. If you are someone who is always doing things for others, expect some appreciation or pay off. I never see this card as bad omen or an image of suicide or death. Some people have conjured this idea up but I assure you that is not the meaning, at least in my humble opinion. Another fun thing that this card signifies is independence. Someone who knows what they want and what they need to do and does not need the help or influence of other people. If you recently had a break up and this card made an appearance it would be very encouraging because it would remind you that you GOT THIS! As long as you have your back, nothing else matters. This card wants you to be independent and make your own choices. I think that is a very powerful and positive message. I hope that if you see this card in a reading that you get excited that Odin stopped for a visit and a lesson in sacrifice and independence. 

An Exercise with Odin 

Our good friend Odin was a Father God in Norse mythology who was also the God of both war and death. He is also the God of poetry and wisdom- which is what we are going to focus on here. His old english name was Woden which is related to the day Wednesday, which is his day. Odin is also the Father of that sexy Thor fellow. He has two ravens whom he uses to keep an eye on what is happening on Earth. I wish I had myself some fancy ravens that I could use to keep an eye on people. 
For more information on Odin, which I highly recommend researching because he is super interesting, check out the link above to old faithful aka Wikipedia. 

What we are going to do to get more connected with his energy is that on a Wednesday, make some time for yourself, sit down and read some poetry. Be inspired by your favourite poet. Enjoy the lyrical rhythm of a good poem. Take time to appreciate this art. Many people have never read a poem after leaving high school and this makes my poem loving heart sad. If you enjoy writing maybe ask Odin for some inspiration and see what you come up with. I used to write poetry all the time and not to toot my own horn, but I was really damn good at it too! I think I may use some of this Odin inspired thought to write some new poems. I hope you do too!

Here are some links to my favourite poets. I hope you enjoy and find some inspiration through their talent!

Edgar Allan Poe- anyone who knows me should not be surprised that he is number one. 
Robert Frost- seriously, he is so talented. His poem, "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening" be still my Canadian heart. 
Sylvia Plath- You hear references made about her all the time in movies when people are trying to sound well read or smart. Ever wonder why? Her poetry is both strong and beautiful. Check her out! 
William Shakespeare- I am a sucker for old Shakes, especially his love poems. It is the month of love after all! 
Ovid- Last but not least we have Ovid. If you are not familiar with him just know he was one bad ass dude who was exiled. His poetry was considered a little on a racy side back in his day. I absolutely am in LOVE with Ovid, especially surprise, surprise his love poems. Check him out! <3 I always thought if I were to write a book the main character would be named Ovid.

PS: Not a poem but seriously, check out "The Thief of Always" by Clive Barker if you want an awesome February read! 

Happy reading! 

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