Sunday, December 21, 2014

Adoration of the High Priestess

The High Priestess II

Some time has passed since my last post and I have had many adventures between the last post and this one. I have had the pleasure to do readings for some very special people over the past little while. We talked money, love and travels for the new year ahead. The new year is looking positive for many of the people I have read for and 2014 has truly been a whirlwind. I am looking forward to 2015 and seeing what the future has in store for me, your humble Tarot Reader. 

The High Priestess in a way is a perfect card for this time of year. She is all about mystery and the unknown. Going into a new year and leaving the old behind follows the themes of the High Priestess. See I wasn't being lazy and not posting, timing is everything after all. ;) 

When this card comes up in a Tarot reading you can expect the unexpected (I totally hear that phrase in Julie Chen's voice from Big Brother, I have been officially brainwashed by reality TV). The mysterious abounds and everyday feels like the magick of Halloween night. This is the High Priestess to me. She usually signals someone who is getting more in touch with their inner mystic. Dreams coming true, intuition and deja vu are becoming the norm. 

I recently learned that she is the sister of the Empress, which I thought was kind of interesting. The Empress is light and life and the High Priestess is the darkness and the mysteries of the other worlds. She sits in perfect balance between light and dark. When you see her in a reading remember these keys: mystery, occult knowledge, intuition, the unknown, nighttime, balance of darkness and light, the crossroads.

Meditating with the High Priestess

Get comfy, relax, have a few tips of the ol' egg nog, or don't....jeesh, okay I will try to be serious. You know the drill.

She sits on her throne looking out over the cold waters of the sea. White sand glistens in the full moon light which is painting the High Priestess a luminous glow of silver. She holds in her hands a scroll that reads Torah. What could this mean? What mysteries does she hold? She sits silent her blue robes blending together mirroring the sea before her. The Fool is caught in her beauty. What secrets is she holding?

As the Fool moves closer the patterns on the cloth behind her become clear. They are pomegranates, the fruit of the dead. The Fool moves their tongue inside their dry mouth longing for the sour nectar of the fruit. The story of the Goddess descending into the underworld plays out before you. You begin to realize you too are a part of the great play. We descend into the dark months of Winter, hibernating into our own being. Storing knowledge and memories as we wait for the Sun. Months will pass and then finally Spring will return. Shoots blooming out of the cold ground, reminding us that the Light has returned like the Goddess in the Spring. You take some time to ponder this story and your own mysteries. The High Priestess breaks her gaze from the sea to look down upon you. 

Your heart is beating fast as her stare is deep and intense. After a short moment, she speaks of your own mysteries and dreams. She explains how to achieve pure balance and how to draw down the Moon. She instructs you to stand with your left hand to the moon. She tells you to picture the silver cool light of the Moon filling your body. You are taking in the psychic energies of the Mother. The sea roars as you feel her fill you like a cup overflowing with silvery light. This makes you feel alive and energetic. You want to howl at the Moon like the beasts whom roam freely. You want to run and be wild. This energy is renewing. You feel ready to continue your journey, thirst replaced with ambition. The High Priestess snaps you out of your fervour. You must direct this energy as you cannot keep it inside forever. You send it out into the stars sending blessings upon those you love. The ones you left behind for this quest. 

She is beautiful. Luminous. Her gaze is broken from you and she does not speak again. She is back looking toward the sea, holding the scrolls tight. You wonder what else she can teach you. You know you only just broke the seal and there is so much more to learn. She points you down the beach and tells you to go meet her sister. 

Write down your dreams tonight. You will be surprised what you find! 

I hope that you enjoy this High Priestess meditation as much as I loved writing it. She truly does inspire me and has always been one of my favourite cards. 

I am going to take a short moment away from Tarot to wish you and your family the happiest of Yuletide. May you celebrate the warmth and sunlight to come! We welcome the Sun King back into our lives and say goodbye to the Holly King. Make sure to celebrate with lots of mirth, love and rum. Sweet special, glorious rum. Tis the Season!

Onward to 2015! 

PS: Vanity High Priestess shot taken by Matt, one of my most magical friends. 

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