The Magician I
Apparently gentle readers in my last entry, I was was playing the Fool where I said we would be talking about the High Priestess totally skipping over numero uno, the always creative Magician. The Magician is a special card because it is the only Major Arcana that showcases the Minor Arcana before you. This card embodies the idea of "as above so below" which is something Wikipedia can much better explain to you than I can so here is a little quote from the ever faithful Wiki:
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, states: "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."[31]
Anyone who has ever attended a Wiccan circle or other Pagan event would be very familiar of this saying. In my non-Wikipedia worthy opinion this means that life is a circle. What happens above and below us also happens in the middle where we are. We are both human and divine. Basically making us part of a circle that will never end. Clear as mud? Good!
If this card comes up in a reading I usually associate it with someone who has all the tools they need to do what they want but they are not actioning them or they do not have faith in themselves. It usually symbolizes to me someone who has put some work into bettering who they are and taking time to learn about the different sides of themselves (the mind, the emotions, passions and mundane). I would always advise a client that if there is something creative they want to do (like start a blog!) they should probably do it! The figure 8 above his head is a symbol of eternal life and goes back to the whole, as above so below theory. Another cool thing (yes I still say "cool" I am stuck in the 90's, what are the cool kids saying these days?) about this card that I just noticed while looking it over for more fun facts to share with you is that the Magician is wearing one snazzy belt. If you look closely you will see that his belt is a snake eating its tail. The symbol of the snake eating its tail or the Ouroboros which is as fun to say as it is to spell, is all about eternity and the never ending spiral dance that is life. This is a major theme with this card. Think changes, creativity and how these things are endless. Mastering who you are when you see this card. That is the key here, unlock your inner creative Goddess or God. You have all the tools you need, you just need to trust yourself. Much easier said than done my friends but this can be accomplished considering such mastering has been happening since the dawn of time itself.
Meditating on the Magician
Do your usual getting comfy thing that you always do before a meditation and when you are ready follow along in your mind I am going to take you on a little journey.
There you stand in the middle of the forest. Your altar is set before you. The pentacle catches the sunlight in its bright gold shine. The chalice is full of liquid, what kind of liquid do you have in this cup? Your wand is sitting as a reminder of your passions and joys, what is your wand made of? Laying beside the wand is your sword, a constant reminder that our thoughts can be dangerous as well as kind. All that lays before you is your hard work. You spend some time reflecting of the challenges you have met throughout your life to obtain your tools. You think about all the endless possibilities that lay before you. You are distracted by your thoughts and planning as you can sense someone watching you. Before you stands a figure with a dog. They look bewildered and excited to have come across your path. You recognize this person as the Fool. The Fool asks you what you are doing here in the forest. What do you tell them? Before the Fool leaves continuing down their chosen path you ask to teach them something valuable. You want to show the Fool how to connect with the Sun above and the Earth below. The Fool is in need of grounding and accepts your offer.
You rise a wand above your head and point your other hand as the Fool follows your lead. Picture yourself drawing warm sunlight down from the sky above. Feel the warmth of the sky filling your raised hand, flowing down into your arm and exploding into your heart, warming your whole being. Feel the energy flowing through you as it ignites an inner spark. You suddenly feel energized and confident. You know you can use the tools before you for a better future. Once you are full to the brim with this buzzing sun energy, direct some of it deep into the Earth. With your hand pointed at the Earth, feel the coolness of the soil. The dampness is a stark contrast to the heat above. Feel it grounding and relaxing you. You are a connector between worlds. Feel the warmth mingling with the cold inside. You feel balanced and even more confident than before. The Fool still following your lead bursts into laughter enjoying the feeling. You can't help but smile yourself. You advise the Fool that this is the first of many lessons and they thank you and continue down the path.
What feelings did you have from being the Magician for this short time? Did any thoughts come through that were a surprise? Did you feel the warmth of the sun mixed with the damp earth? This is a fancy way of drawing down the Sun which is similar to drawing down the Moon. Spend some time thinking about this experience and do the Magician meditation anytime you are feeling you need a little extra boost. Write down your experiences.
I am for real not lying this time, next up we will talk High Priestess. I am thinking we may take a short break on learning the individual cards before we move into the next set of three and perhaps talk about something else Tarot related.
Until next time happy card reading!
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