Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tarot of the Dead Review

Tonight is the Eve before Christmas Eve. I cannot believe how fast this year has come and gone and we are back at Christmas again. I can hear the background noise of the "Muppets Christmas Carol"as I write this and I feel like I just watched it even though that was a year ago. Its amazing how fast time goes by. The lapse of time always makes me think of the past and the future and how fast our lives really are. Don't worry folks, I am no way going to get all emotional here, I am just trying to segue to the Tarot deck I wanted to review tonight which is, the Tarot of the Dead by Monica Knighton.

In my humble opinion I feel that these cards really poke fun at life and death. The characters in the cards are really whimsical and the colours have a strange washed out vibrancy like the velvet interior of a water logged coffin (sorry, couldn't contain "dark spooky Tasha" lets tuck her back into her dark corner and wait for Halloween...). The images are modern with a twist of the flashiness of the past. Its hard to pick the best part of this deck as far as the art goes but I think I would have to go with the backs of the cards which is kind of odd but look at this picture below, beautiful. I love the design of the two skulls mixed with the roses. 

The deck is interesting because the author (designer? Serious moment... what are the people who design and write Tarot decks and books called? Masters of the Tarot Universe? I am going to go with that...) has changed the suits in the Minor Arcana to more modern items. Cups are Coffins which I think is delightful; Swords are Pistols, to be honest I don't really care for, however that is my overall opinion on gun imagery and those opinions can be saved for myself; Wands are Pens which are in a way a perfect image for Air and Communication and last but not least are Pentacles which are depicted in this deck as Reels. I am on the fence on the Reels. I love movies but I just don't get an earthy vibe from them. I am not going to post pictures of all of the different suits and what they look like so I would recommend giving them a Google.

The Major Arcana is quite heavy with the modern fused with the past I was speaking about above and is very much a huge nod to Day of the Dead. The skeletons depicted throughout the 22 cards are for the most part quite cheery looking. They are captured doing many different things however they all do link back to the Rider Waite. As I had said before if you can read the Rider Waite I promise you can probably pick up any deck and see the connections. The Fool card below is a perfect example. You can see him going along with his bag and dog, except this time the dog is a totally cute skeleton. He is beginning his journey and is hitching a ride into the unknown. This card like the others is really fun to look at and the art is really well done. 
Behold my amazing talent for photography and stretchy pants... oh dear. 

I wish I could provide better picture quality but right now its just my iPhone and I and this is as good as its going to get for tonight. You can see the similarities and differences between this one and Rider Waite. One of the most intriguing cards in the deck is the Death card. Oh the things you can do with Death in a whole deck devoted to the topic and this deck really does it right. Instead of going traditional Grim Reaper the artist goes the complete opposite direction and depicts a jolly pregnant lady. Note: I had to use the word jolly, I mean come on 2 days til Xmas, I need to get something in there. 

Would I recommend reading with this deck? Lets put on our honest hats and the answer would be no. I would not use these cards to do readings for a few reasons. Number one would be that I want my clients to feel comfortable. I might think these are cute and funny but someone else might be disturbed by them. It is so important when you are reading for people that you keep in mind that it is about your client (I hate that word, client, sounds so clinical. I must find a better word- I sense a thesaurus adventure in my future). It is never about yourself. You get the pleasure of guiding them and sharing your gift but you need them to be comfortable so always consider this when you pick your deck or decks. Secondly I would not read with these because of the shape. They are kind of square and do not fit in my hands well. Someone with bigger hands might just love the feel of them though! The last reason I personally would not read with these particular cards is because I am a little too old fashioned I suppose. I prefer things to look a little old school. This is my own fault for living in the past with the dinosaurs. Someone who loves the modern world would connect with these cards for sure. These are only my thoughts and you know what, my thoughts do not matter. Its about what you think. If you think you would read with these puppies than good on you! Gold star for not being an old fart like me! 
I use this deck as an art deck. I love the pictures and will bring it out from time to time just to look at the pictures. I also love showing people the deck because it makes me feel all "dark and cool". This is a great deck for anyone who enjoys a little macabre in their life. 

Until next time, Merry (insert whatever you celebrate here)! Happy reading!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Adoration of the High Priestess

The High Priestess II

Some time has passed since my last post and I have had many adventures between the last post and this one. I have had the pleasure to do readings for some very special people over the past little while. We talked money, love and travels for the new year ahead. The new year is looking positive for many of the people I have read for and 2014 has truly been a whirlwind. I am looking forward to 2015 and seeing what the future has in store for me, your humble Tarot Reader. 

The High Priestess in a way is a perfect card for this time of year. She is all about mystery and the unknown. Going into a new year and leaving the old behind follows the themes of the High Priestess. See I wasn't being lazy and not posting, timing is everything after all. ;) 

When this card comes up in a Tarot reading you can expect the unexpected (I totally hear that phrase in Julie Chen's voice from Big Brother, I have been officially brainwashed by reality TV). The mysterious abounds and everyday feels like the magick of Halloween night. This is the High Priestess to me. She usually signals someone who is getting more in touch with their inner mystic. Dreams coming true, intuition and deja vu are becoming the norm. 

I recently learned that she is the sister of the Empress, which I thought was kind of interesting. The Empress is light and life and the High Priestess is the darkness and the mysteries of the other worlds. She sits in perfect balance between light and dark. When you see her in a reading remember these keys: mystery, occult knowledge, intuition, the unknown, nighttime, balance of darkness and light, the crossroads.

Meditating with the High Priestess

Get comfy, relax, have a few tips of the ol' egg nog, or don't....jeesh, okay I will try to be serious. You know the drill.

She sits on her throne looking out over the cold waters of the sea. White sand glistens in the full moon light which is painting the High Priestess a luminous glow of silver. She holds in her hands a scroll that reads Torah. What could this mean? What mysteries does she hold? She sits silent her blue robes blending together mirroring the sea before her. The Fool is caught in her beauty. What secrets is she holding?

As the Fool moves closer the patterns on the cloth behind her become clear. They are pomegranates, the fruit of the dead. The Fool moves their tongue inside their dry mouth longing for the sour nectar of the fruit. The story of the Goddess descending into the underworld plays out before you. You begin to realize you too are a part of the great play. We descend into the dark months of Winter, hibernating into our own being. Storing knowledge and memories as we wait for the Sun. Months will pass and then finally Spring will return. Shoots blooming out of the cold ground, reminding us that the Light has returned like the Goddess in the Spring. You take some time to ponder this story and your own mysteries. The High Priestess breaks her gaze from the sea to look down upon you. 

Your heart is beating fast as her stare is deep and intense. After a short moment, she speaks of your own mysteries and dreams. She explains how to achieve pure balance and how to draw down the Moon. She instructs you to stand with your left hand to the moon. She tells you to picture the silver cool light of the Moon filling your body. You are taking in the psychic energies of the Mother. The sea roars as you feel her fill you like a cup overflowing with silvery light. This makes you feel alive and energetic. You want to howl at the Moon like the beasts whom roam freely. You want to run and be wild. This energy is renewing. You feel ready to continue your journey, thirst replaced with ambition. The High Priestess snaps you out of your fervour. You must direct this energy as you cannot keep it inside forever. You send it out into the stars sending blessings upon those you love. The ones you left behind for this quest. 

She is beautiful. Luminous. Her gaze is broken from you and she does not speak again. She is back looking toward the sea, holding the scrolls tight. You wonder what else she can teach you. You know you only just broke the seal and there is so much more to learn. She points you down the beach and tells you to go meet her sister. 

Write down your dreams tonight. You will be surprised what you find! 

I hope that you enjoy this High Priestess meditation as much as I loved writing it. She truly does inspire me and has always been one of my favourite cards. 

I am going to take a short moment away from Tarot to wish you and your family the happiest of Yuletide. May you celebrate the warmth and sunlight to come! We welcome the Sun King back into our lives and say goodbye to the Holly King. Make sure to celebrate with lots of mirth, love and rum. Sweet special, glorious rum. Tis the Season!

Onward to 2015! 

PS: Vanity High Priestess shot taken by Matt, one of my most magical friends. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meeting the Magician

The Magician I

Apparently gentle readers in my last entry, I was was playing the Fool where I said we would be talking about the High Priestess totally skipping over numero uno, the always creative Magician. The Magician is a special card because it is the only Major Arcana that showcases the Minor Arcana before you. This card embodies the idea of "as above so below" which is something Wikipedia can much better explain to you than I can so here is a little quote from the ever faithful Wiki: 
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, states: "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."[31] 

Anyone who has ever attended a Wiccan circle or other Pagan event would be very familiar of this saying. In my non-Wikipedia worthy opinion this means that life is a circle. What happens above and below us also happens in the middle where we are. We are both human and divine. Basically making us part of a circle that will never end. Clear as mud? Good!

If this card comes up in a reading I usually associate it with someone who has all the tools they need to do what they want but they are not actioning them or they do not have faith in themselves. It usually symbolizes to me someone who has put some work into bettering who they are and taking time to learn about the different sides of themselves (the mind, the emotions, passions and mundane). I would always advise a client that if there is something creative they want to do (like start a blog!) they should probably do it! The figure 8 above his head is a symbol of eternal life and goes back to the whole, as above so below theory. Another cool thing (yes I still say "cool" I am stuck in the 90's, what are the cool kids saying these days?) about this card that I just noticed while looking it over for more fun facts to share with you is that the Magician is wearing one snazzy belt. If you look closely you will see that his belt is a snake eating its tail. The symbol of the snake eating its tail or the Ouroboros which is as fun to say as it is to spell, is all about eternity and the never ending spiral dance that is life. This is a major theme with this card. Think changes, creativity and how these things are endless. Mastering who you are when you see this card. That is the key here, unlock your inner creative Goddess or God. You have all the tools you need, you just need to trust yourself. Much easier said than done my friends but this can be accomplished considering such mastering has been happening since the dawn of time itself.

Meditating on the Magician 

Do your usual getting comfy thing that you always do before a meditation and when you are ready follow along in your mind I am going to take you on a little journey.

There you stand in the middle of the forest. Your altar is set before you. The pentacle catches the sunlight in its bright gold shine. The chalice is full of liquid, what kind of liquid do you have in this cup? Your wand is sitting as a reminder of your passions and joys, what is your wand made of? Laying beside the wand is your sword, a constant reminder that our thoughts can be dangerous as well as kind. All that lays before you is your hard work. You spend some time reflecting of the challenges you have met throughout your life to obtain your tools. You think about all the endless possibilities that lay before you. You are distracted by your thoughts and planning as you can sense someone watching you. Before you stands a figure with a dog. They look bewildered and excited to have come across your path. You recognize this person as the Fool. The Fool asks you what you are doing here in the forest. What do you tell them? Before the Fool leaves continuing down their chosen path you ask to teach them something valuable. You want to show the Fool how to connect with the Sun above and the Earth below. The Fool is in need of grounding and accepts your offer. 
You rise a wand above your head and point your other hand as the Fool follows your lead. Picture yourself drawing warm sunlight down from the sky above. Feel the warmth of the sky filling your raised hand, flowing down into your arm and exploding into your heart, warming your whole being. Feel the energy flowing through you as it ignites an inner spark. You suddenly feel energized and confident. You know you can use the tools before you for a better future. Once you are full to the brim with this buzzing sun energy, direct some of it deep into the Earth. With your hand pointed at the Earth, feel the coolness of the soil. The dampness is a stark contrast to the heat above. Feel it grounding and relaxing you. You are a connector between worlds. Feel the warmth mingling with the cold inside. You feel balanced and even more confident than before. The Fool still following your lead bursts into laughter enjoying the feeling. You can't help but smile yourself. You advise the Fool that this is the first of many lessons and they thank you and continue down the path. 
What feelings did you have from being the Magician for this short time? Did any thoughts come through that were a surprise? Did you feel the warmth of the sun mixed with the damp earth? This is a fancy way of drawing down the Sun which is similar to drawing down the Moon. Spend some time thinking about this experience and do the Magician meditation anytime you are feeling you need a little extra boost. Write down your experiences. 

I am for real not lying this time, next up we will talk High Priestess. I am thinking we may take a short break on learning the individual cards before we move into the next set of three and perhaps talk about something else Tarot related. 

Until next time happy card reading! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Exploring with the Fool

The Fool 0

Photography, not one of my strong points.

Tonight is all about the Fool, stumbling through life with bright eyed intoxication. This card for me has always reflected new beginnings or taking a risk. I see it has having your head up in the clouds and not paying any attention to your footing. Its first love innocence and rose coloured glasses. If the little dog could talk he would be saying, "Hey, hey buddy... you're about to fall off a cliff PAY ATTENTION." The dog is the voice of reason. Even when we are distracted by our own folly there is always going to be that voice in your head or a crotchety grandma who is trying to make you listen. I would advise to pay attention because ignorance is not truly bliss when you are about to take a dirt nap at the bottom of that cliff pictured up there. That is one way to look at the card but sometimes I get a totally different vibe from it. Depending on the cards around it and the person I am reading I get the feeling it is talking about whimsical innocence. Letting your inner child out to play for a little while before you buckle down for your next big adventure. It could indicate that the person you are reading for is going to start something new and exciting. It is likely going to be something that they have never done before and are looking forward to being a beginner again. Side note: Something I really love about reading the cards is that they can have a different meaning for everyone. Just because I see this card this way, someone else could see it entirely differently. I think this is why using the cards and applying them to you day to day life is so important to do before you read any books about the meanings.

A meditation on the Fool: 

As with all meditation it is important to find somewhere that you can sit down comfortably without being disturbed. 
Make yourself comfortable and let your thoughts drift as they come. Do not try to stop your thoughts. Just accept them and push them out of the way. Think of yourself as you would be if you were totally free of your day to day stresses and requirements. What are you wearing, are you plainly or elaborately dressed? Do you look blissfully happy or do you look weary? Picture yourself full of wanderlust as you travel through a forest grove. You are excited and everything seems new again. You stop to smell wild flowers and examine strange and unusual mushrooms. What does the forest smell like? Is it warm in this place or is it cold. Is it nighttime where you are? Or is it early morning or noon? You travel along and see a stream bubbling and picking up speed as it turns around a bend. You are not worried about the stream or where it is going. You do not think of waterfalls or cliffs approaching as you continue to ramble on through the wood. You see animals in the distance. They do not concern you as today you feel fearless. You have no worries or cares in the world. There is something in a large bush ahead that has caught your attention. You see the branches moving as something emerges. To your surprise it is a dog. How do you picture this dog? The dog joins you as you casually walk along the stream. The dog is quickening its pace and nipping gently at your heels. You stop for a moment to casually chuckle and bend down to pet it. You open the sack what you have been carrying on your shoulders to show something to the dog. What is in this sack? Is it a food item to sustain you on your journey or could it be a shiny gem you found on your travels? The dog licks your hands and looks into your eyes, though it does not speak you feel like you can understand it. (Maybe you ate some of those mushrooms from before ;) ). You get the feeling that the dog would like you to turn back and that there is danger ahead. Now you must make a choice do you continue down this curious path with childlike whimsy or do you listen and turn back, heading for safer grounds?

Write down your choices in a journal or Book of Shadows. Doing this mediation will help you better capture what the Fool is all about and it gives you a chance to be apart of the card. Remember the Fool is the first key to the higher consciousness. This key will show you the way to innocence or ignorance. It is up to you which path you choose.

Next up we will talk the High Priestess. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Major and Minor Arcana- Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and the Whole BIG Picture

This evening I wanted to talk Major and Minor Arcanas. What they are and what they mean when cards from each of these groups show up in your Tarot readings. Lets start with the Minor Arcana. 
As my good buddy Charles puts it below, the Minor Arcana consists of four different suits. Each of the four suites represents one of the four elements. The four elements each in turn represent an aspect of our day to day lives and general humanness- that word makes me want hummus... yum- sorry, carrying on- when you pull these cards or have a reading that has a lot of them in it, this usually means that your day to day life is using up more of your energy than your spiritual side or the universe in general. 

“It’s said that the shuffling of the cards is the earth, and the pattering of the cards is the rain, and the beating of the cards is the wind, and the pointing of the cards is the fire. That’s of the four suits. But the Greater Trumps, it’s said, are the meaning of all process and the measure of the everlasting dance.” - Charles Williams

The dapper man pictured above is Charles Williams, who was a British novelist and has summarized what the Major and Minor Arcanas are all about much more eloquently than I ever could. On top of that he also wears round spectacles far better than I ever could as well, but I suppose thats not related to this post. 

A quick overview of the suits:
Pentacles- Earth-  Pentacles are all about your day to day life. Anything ranging from work to home life. They usually have something to tell you about your money or job situation. Sometimes they are there to tell you to be careful or to expect money coming down the road. I find most people are happy to see these little buddies pop up because who doesn't like learning the scoop on their money situation or learning about possible raises etc?
Wands- Fire- Wands are really fun cards- most of the time. They are all about energy and what you are passionate about. Its about the things in your life that you WANT to do not what you HAVE to do. They can tell you about future trips or perhaps let you know you are wasting your energy on things that do not need you attention. They can also signify some passion or a hot to trot (who says that anymore? lol) sex life- ohh lala!
Swords- Air- Swords are the "darker" suit if I were to say one was darker than the others. This is because they represent our minds and thoughts. As much as we try to all be innocent sweet angels most of us have  wee bit of a dark side. The swords have no problems laying it all out there for you- like that friend who has no problem dishing out the serious advice- you know who that person is in your life. There are positive swords as well of course. These little buddies are there to tell you when you need some rest or to when to keep quiet about secrets.
Cups- Water-  I saved my favourite suit for last. Cups. Lovey-dovey cups. Cups are about our hearts and our emotions. They are the cards that trigger your feels- I think this is what the hip kids are saying these days, "feels". They talk about love and who doesn't love to hear about love. Also hiding in this suit is the card of good sex. I am not just talking about your run of the mill old fashioned love making friends. I am talking about brag to your friends or randomly start smoking afterward sex (seriously don't start smoking though). This suit also talks about loved ones who've passed away as well as relationships and there is even a lucky card, the Four of Cups where you can make a wish. As you can see, I am sure you understand why this is my favourite suit.

This is a very  basic and short overview of what the Minor is all about. I plan to go through each of these cards in greater detail in future posts.

The Major Arcana is a little bit more, shall we say esoteric. They are all about the nature of "Man". These cards are like your old philosophy professor, a little out there but at the end of the day they make perfect sense. Here is a good quote from A.E Waite (the Waite part of the Rider Waite) taken from the book, Mastering the Tarot by Eden Gray, "The true Tarot is symbolism. It speaks no other language and presents no other signs... on the highest plane it offers a key to the ancient mysteries." If you are going to take one word from that, please think on the word key. Thats exactly what the Major Arcana is all about. It is comprised of 22 Keys that are going to show you different aspects of yourself. The ones that show up in your reading were chosen for a reason and they all heed very important messages. 

The Major starts with the Fool numbered zero. The Fool is really a representation of you, me and everyone else walking around. As the Fool travels through life he meets the other characters in the deck along the way. The higher up the deck in numbers you go the more enlightened the Fool becomes eventually getting to the end at The World. The Major Arcana when looked at this way, will tell you a story all about how we change and become more enlightened as we age. 

The imagery of the Major Arcana is my favourite personally. I love all of the characters that are in there. From the Hanged Man to the Lovers. Of course inside these cards is probably one of the most infamous of all, the Death card- *shriek! Gasp! Runs away*. One thing you will learn quickly about the Major suit is that not all is what it seems on the outside and the Death card is a perfect example. If we were to believe in horror movies and the like getting the Death card is basically a one way ticket to the afterlife and you will be handed your "Handbook for the Recently Deceased" Beetlejuce style. Surprisingly the Death card has little to do with physical death and so much more with change one cannot control. Keep this in mind if you ever get a reading and this little buddy pops up. I would be much more afraid of the 10 of Swords. 

Before I leave you for the evening and go back to my life and possibly the fridge for some hummus... I wanted to give you a little bit of information on what my plans are for this blog. Now that I have explained about the Major and Minor Arcanas I would like to get into the cards themselves. I am thinking of writing about a card one day and then the next or in the same entry write a little meditation to go with the card so you dear reader, if you are out there *crickets*, can take the meditation and think of the card. I want you to get your own ideas of what it is about. I also plan to throw in some non-Tarot stuff as well. I am thinking meditations on the seasons or just general chatter about other witchy things. If you want to stick with me for this broomstick ride, I think you will be happy when we reach our destination, wherever that may be. 

Begin Again

Oh blogger, my old friend. Its been a long time since I last blogged anything but I decided why not give it another go. This time around I wanted to talk about something that means something to me and that something is Tarot. The Rider Waite Tarot to be specific. There is just something special about that deck of cards, even though the colour choice is a little on the stark basic side... like seriously who likes all that lemon yellow! Sorry, side rant there. I will keep my yellow rants and loathing of that colour to myself from now on *novice blogger's honour*. Ahem, as I was saying, there is something about those simple images and symbols that really packs a punch for me. They inspire and urge me to tell their story in my own words. My teacher many years ago told me that if you can learn the Rider Waite you can learn pretty much any card deck. This is very true advice and therefore this is a great deck for beginners if you were interested to learn.

Oh the lemon yellow... urrrgh.

I will stop plugging the cards for a little bit and just use this oh so innocent virginal entry to describe a little about myself and where this all begins.

Hang on to your crystal balls (see what I did there? ;) ) and lets take a trip back in time...*cue bad sound effect music*....

A little over twelve years ago now I was attending a Halloween party that had a Tarot reader there. I remember going down in the back bedroom, which seems to be a pretty popular place for people to put us Tarot readers by the way, and there was a lady sitting at a table bathed in candle light. Yes it really did look like this. Take some time to picture the moment, I will wait, now that the mood is set, lets continue.  I sat down at the table and she began reading my cards. By the end of the 10 card session she asked me if I was interested in learning how to read myself. She said she could tell there was something about me. Of course I said yes and this began the beginning of my journey.

For five years, I would go to her house on a monthly basis with others of like interest. We would sit around her big table and she would go through the cards, one at a time. We would be given a card to study for the month. This entailed taking the card and living with it. My selected card would come with me on my daily commutes, it would come and have a little sleep with me under my pillow and most importantly I would apply it to situations and people I met in my day to day life. This helped me remember the cards and associate them. We looked into the symbology on each card and its history. The story that it would tell and we would also add our own interpretation as well. This was probably the most important steps as she advised us to throw away the booklets that had the meanings on them. We were to learn through intuition first and learn others viewpoints later. Once that card was mastered and presented to her, I was allowed to move on to the next card. This went on for all 78 of the keys. I believe we started with the Minor Arcana and moved into the Major. We would practice read for each other and have open discussions about the many different ideas and interpretations of the other students.

When I was finished with my guided learning I broke out on my own. I began reading for my friends, coworkers and family. This was a great way to get practice and started because I already knew what was happening in these people's lives. The surprising part was that the cards were always accurate and always painted a clear picture of what was going on in their lives. We were always surprised by how accurate they were. During that time I really learned to trust my Tarot deck.

After reading for people I knew I decided to take a leap of faith and jump into reading for the public. That all began with a local Renaissance Faire where I was the "Tarot Reader" at. That was a fun experience because not only did I get my feet wet but I also got to wear a fabulous costume and play up the wonderful history that I am now proud to be apart of. I realized really fast reading for strangers is FUN. I do not know your story or where you are going with your life until we get those cards laid out. Then we start to web a story together and the fun really begins. At that moment I was hooked. I have been reading for the public ever since!

So in conclusion of this first entry, of this shiny brand new blog, I want an opportunity to share with people the happiness they can find from Tarot and I would like to try to teach you a thing or two along the way as well. Like all things even tarot can go full circle, so come with me and lets begin again.