The Lovers VI
Look at those saucy nude people! Ouuuhh-la-la! |
I am happy to announce that it is finally warm. It's like someone has turned up the heat a little bit in Canada these days. It feels so good to be able to actually feel warmth. Like actual, warmth. No more pretending its warm to make ourselves feel better, it is actually warm. Its magick. There are some green little stems poking out of the front yard and the trees in the backyard are getting buds. On top of all of this, the air is fragrant with the scent of melting dog poop. Oh melting dog poop stink, you are a good omen. Soon friends, very soon we will see tulips, lilacs, daffodils and dandelions. Oh yes, I went there. I said the dreaded word, dandelions. The Devil's Paintbrush, the demon weed in which I have always had a little soft spot for. They are always a good sign that Spring and Summer are around the corner and for that, I welcome them. At least for now until they are taking over my driveway again, but lets not focus on that. Let's focus on the now and right now I love them. They are wonderful.
"I'm melting! I'm melting!", said the snow mountain as the warm sun finally made its appearance. Also, I have the cutest nephew in the world. |
All this sunshine infused ecstasy is a perfect lead in to today's card of choice, The Lovers. Pictured above you will see two very naked people. It must be a little cold where they are, if you know what I am saying, wink wink. Above them is the Angel Raphael, before the Waite-Smith deck it was normally a Cupid pictured there. I almost prefer the idea of a Cupid, lets not tell Waite and Smith that however... It is obvious in this card that our naked man and woman are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Pictured beside the woman is the serpent. Notice that this card is linked to The Devil, card 15. I am no mathematician but you can see that 1+5=6 connecting The Devil back to the lovers... Why would this be? What on earth does love have to do with the Devil? Who am I kidding, we all know why these two are linked. Without lust and desire we rarely have the hot burning love we all crave. Love can be beautiful full of roses and butterflies in your stomach but love can also be raw, dangerous and painful. One does not exist without the other. This is why this card may not exactly be what people often think it is.
Often times when this card makes a grand appearance in a spread people are happy to see it but under the surface you will learn that this love does not come without some sacrifice. The card signify someone who could be in a love triangle having to pick between two or more lovers (you wild thing you!). Without sacrifice you will not get what you want in the end. It can mean a new lover coming into your life if you are single but you will be sacrificing your single lifestyle for this new life. Are you ready for that? The trees in the Garden of Eden symbolize knowledge of all sides of your lover. Do you want to bite the apple and really know everything? I don't know if I would bite that one, even if it was a delicious candy covered apple with my name on it. The Angel to me is always a symbol of the good people that are in your life and that you do have someone looking over your shoulder. There are only four cards in the deck that have Angels so I always consider it special when they show up.
Keys to remember with this card: Love, choice, desire, knowledge, sacrifice, new love
Meeting the Lovers through Meditation
Get yourself comfortable, maybe even sit outside, I can't believe you can actually sit outside now... SO EXCITED, sorry off track there. Yes, get comfortable inside or out and try to clear your mind. Let your muscles relax and allow your ears to take in the sounds around you. Try to find some peace amongst the chaos of the day to day. You find yourself walking through a large pasture. You are on a little footpath that is leading you through tall grass. It smells like Summer. You can feel the warmth of the sun on your head and back. You take a moment to bathe your face in it's heat. Feeling energized you continue to make your way down the path and you can see before you a stone garden wall that looks very old. It is covered in ivy climbing over the stones and surrounding the iron gate. You feel no hesitation and know you must go there. You know you need to see what is inside this stone wall. The closer you approach you can see flowers blooming along the side of the wall and you can smell the sweet scent of blooming fruit. You are excited and thirsty for what is waiting for you. Your heart begins to beat a little faster, you feel your hands getting clammy, butterflies dance in your stomach.
Inside the garden is a plethora of flowers in full bloom. Colours of every shade are proudly on display before you. You stop to smell the different flowers. What flowers do you see? How do they smell? How do they feel between your fingertips? You find yourself mesmerized by the flowers. So many different kinds, they look like they are from all parts of the world. Stepping away from the flowers you see an orchard. All the trees are in different phases of blooming. This is a magical place. There are trees heavily laden with pears, apples, peaches and many other varieties. What do you see? You stare in awe at this spender in front of you.
Something in the far corner of the garden catches your eye. You begin to walk towards it. A figure stands before you naked. You are instantly attracted to this person. What do they look like? Is it someone you know? Or someone you never met before? You approach this person and notice behind them is an Angel. Never in your life have you seen a being so beautiful, so pure. What does this being look like? You find yourself longing to be closer to the other person in the garden. You want to get to know them and touch their flesh. Yearnings stir inside. There is a large apple tree with the reddest apples you have ever seen. A large serpent unwinds itself from a branch and catches your gaze. It offers you an apple full of knowledge. You know biting this apple you will gain the lover of your dreams and all the knowledge you seek, but is it worth the sacrifice?
Did you bite the apple? What happens next? Write your experiences in a Book of Shadows or journal.
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I think Paul and I could be hand models, just putting that out there... |
Well friends I think this is all for me this evening. I hope that the May fires burn brightly and your lives are full of love and of course a little lust thrown in there too!
Sine we are talking The Lovers, I thought I would add the love of my life in here too! |
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