Happy Solstice! )O(

Before we get into Lady Justice which is our next card, I wanted stop in, to talk about how today is the Winter Solstice or Yule. How exciting! This evening will bring the longest night of the year and officially mark the first day of Winter for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. I am finding it hard to swallow that yet another year is about to pass us. Its unbelievable that 2015 is almost over. This year has been a really special one for me and has truly been one full of adventure! I got married to my "one true love" as Disney would call it, went to Salem which has been a dream my whole life and I got to work at a carnival, a haunted one no less! I was able to use Tarot to raise money to help an amazing cause and had the pleasure of meeting all kinds of different people in my community. I think I was able to bring Tarot to people who would normally not experience it and my Facebook group has grown into a budding Tarot family. This blog has grown and gotten more views and visitors over the past twelve months and I think I learned how to use a hashtag! (#stilllearning) I have been able to use Tarot to touch lives, make people happy, comforted and connected with the universe a little better than before. It has been a crazy but wonderful adventure. I am excited for what is waiting after the clock strikes midnight on the 31st.
Yule has always been one of my favourite Sabbats. The idea of the longest night of the year when I was a kid, was always a mix of the scary unknown and anticipation. I would lay in bed for what felt like hours, thinking the sun was never going to come back. Even as an adult, I still have a hard time sleeping on the Solstice. It feels like night is never going to end, time feels slower and the darkness of this night is just a touch more inky than the others. The magick is that no matter how dark, the Sun always does come back. No matter how dreary it might seem and even if it feels like the darkness stretches out into forever, the light never actually leaves us. Thats the meaning of this old holiday to me. Can you imagine our ancestors and how they have felt by this point? The days growing shorter and the nights longer and colder. Then finally right before the breaking point the longest night passes and slowly the sun creeps back. What an amazing feeling that must have been. Yule is a holiday of hope, blessings and merry making (though I think the Pagans always had a way of sneaking some sex into every holiday, such a smart group!). We must be thankful to the light, the sun and all of the blessings in our lives. This is a time of feasting and toasting. Below is a little Yule ritual for anyone who wanted to welcome back the Sun. Happy Yule, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing this past year of adventure with me, here's to many more!
Welcoming Back the Sun- Yule Ritual
Opening the Circle:
Set a candle one in each Quarter (North, East, South, West). Bring a lighter starting in the East, light the candle and say the following, repeat for each direction.
East: Guardians of the frigid Winter winds of the East, I welcome you to this Yuletide circle. I ask that you join me this night in celebrating the return of the Sun.
South: Guardians of the fiery flames who light the Yule Log of the South, I welcome you to this Yuletide circle. I ask that you join me this night in celebrating the return of the Sun.
West: Guardians of the frozen lakes and turbulent seas of the West, I welcome you to this Yuletide circle. I ask that you join me this night in celebrating the return of the Sun.
North: Guardians of the cold Earth of the North, I welcome you to this Yuletide circle. I ask that you join me this night in celebrating the return of the Sun.
Invoking the Powers of Nature
Have two pretty candles one of the left and one of the right. The one of the left represents the Goddess or the feminine side of Divinity. The right represents the God or male side of Divinity.
Light the left candle and say: Great Goddess, Mother of the Earth, I ask that you join me in this circle as I celebrate the returning of the Sun and the turn of the seasons. I ask that you bless me and those that I love. Please join me this Yuletide. Blessed Be.
Light the right candle and say: Great God, Father Sun, tonight we celebrate your return from the Underworld. As the sun grows stronger so do we. I ask that you join me in this circle as I celebrate this solstice night in your honour. Please join me this Yuletide. Blessed Be.
Now the circle is cast. Say: The circle is open. Blessed Be.
You can do whatever you wish at this point. You will be surrounded by the energy of the Quarters and the Lord and Lady. Here are some suggestions:
Little Pieces of the Sun Exercise:
Even though the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of longer days, it also represents the beginning of Winter. If you are someone who gets the Winter Blues this little exercise is exactly what you need. You will be taking four small items and filling them with hot Summer energy. They will keep you motivated and feeling sunny, even in the coldest days of Winter.
You will need a yellow candle, a small red or orange flower (that would dry well, like a rose), small bowl with water mixed with salt or sea water and one stick of incense.
Begin with the stick of incense. Take the incense and carefully pass it through the East candle- do not light it. Think of all the smells of Summer, such as: bonfires and campgrounds, burnt marshmallows and suntan lotion etc. As you hold the incense picture the warm summer breeze passing through it. Think of the way the air smells like flowers when the wind is just right. The scent of lilacs and wild roses. Infuse the incense with the energy and hope of Summer. Thank the element for its gift. Return the incense to the centre of the circle.
Take the yellow candle and carefully pass it through the South candle- do not light it. Think of all the fiery hot energy of the Sun and the South infusing the candle. Direct all of your energy into the candle, fill it with memories of Summer. Feel the candle grow hot like the Summer Sun. Think of how it felt when the Sun was beaming down on your skin. What Summer mornings feel like and hot Summer nights. Infuse it with the energy and hope of Summer. Thank the element for its gift. Return the candle to the centre of the circle.
Next take the small bowl of salt or sea water to the West candle. Carefully drop a little bit of wax from the candle into the water. Think of the feeling of jumping into a cool lake on a hot Summer day. Think of water balloon fights and refreshing dips in the ocean. Think of the way the beach smells. The scent of salt in the air. The way it makes your skin taste and feel tight. Think of the sound of waves crashing on a beach. The way the sand feels between your toes. Allow yourself to long for the sea. Picture blue streams of light coming from your third eye into the water. Infuse it with the energy and hope of Summer. Thank the element for its gift. Return the water to the centre of the circle.
Finally take the rose bud or flower to the North candle. Carefully pass the flower over the flame- be careful not to put it too close. Think of the flowers that bloom in the Summertime. Think of gardens growing. Vegetables sprouting and the scent of the earth after a sun-shower. Think about the way the grass feels under your toes and how the Earth feels warm. Your hands working the soil and tenderly caring for plants. Think of sleeping under the stars and staring up at the Moon. The way this time of year nature beckons you to come outside and play. Infuse the bud with the energy and hope of Summer. Thank the element for its gift. Return the flower to the centre of the circle.
Now you have successfully blessed and infused the four items with the power of the returning Sun with memories of it at its height. Anytime you are feeling the Winter Blues bring out one of the items. Light the candle or burn the incense. Use the water for blessing yourself or your home. Dry the flower and keep it out somewhere as a reminder of the growing Sun.
Mirroring the Past, Looking to the Future Exercise:
This exercise is all about reflection on the past year and excitement about the future ahead. You will need a deck of Tarot cards or other divination tools (runes, playing cards, crystal ball, tea leaves, your own palm (this works perfect when you don't have divination tools of your own), whatever floats your canoe really) and a piece of paper, pen and lighter.
On the paper write everything you have accomplished this past year. Try to remember the special little things that stood out in 2015 that you were thankful for. When you are ready fold up the paper and set aside for later. Next we are going to look at our future. Do a Tarot reading for yourself or some other form of divination. Try to take a peek at what 2016 holds. Write your forecast in a journal or online. Check back in June of 2016 and see what has transpired so far!
Once your celebration is over, take the paper outside and burn it somewhere safe. Say a prayer to the universe to thank it for its blessings. Watch the smoke carry your gratitude to the heavens.
Closing the Yule Circle:
I always think it is important when you close your circle to thank the Quarters as well as the Goddess and God in your own words. Start with West and work Widdershins (counter clock-wise) around your circle. Reflect on how the four elements matter in your life and why you are grateful to each one.
Thank the God or male energy for his presence during your celebration and then do the same for the Goddess or female energy.
Make sure to snuff your candles. Say: The circle is open, but never broken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again!
Clean up and make sure to have a glass of wine or other festive drink and something to eat. Save a little bit of the drink as well as some of the food to offer to the Nature Spirits outside.
May you never thirst or hunger! )O(
I hope you have a Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year!
See you all in 2016 (or possibly before) for more Tarot Adventures!